Saturday, August 14, 2010

Back to Oxford. Back to Blogging.

So apparently I fell off blogging bandwagon halfway through the summer-but I'm back!

The second half of the summer FLEW by, but here's a quick recap. After Upward basketball camp I went to Destin with the fam and Saralauren and then met the youth group in Orange Beach for StudentLife at the beach! It was a busy week, but so relaxing at the same time! There was some oil at the beach, but the weather was great! I love going to the beach, the ocean always reminds me of Gods amazing power and strength-even through the nasty oil spill! Then we came home for a few weeks of Chaos, Refuge, and TNT. Being back in the normal routine was awesome-I live for routines. The last week of July we went to Port Arthur Texas to spend a week working with a missionary and his team there. They are targeting the huge Vietnamese population there and want to start Vietnames church! We did a prayer walk at a buddhist temple that was formerly a Baptist church--crazy, I know. Then we spent the week passing out Vietnamese gospels and loving on the people in the area. It was definitely a new experience for most of the people there, but such an awesome experience. Then when we came home it was time for me to get ready for college again and back in the real world :(

I learned so much this summer and grew in so many ways. I am so blessed to have had such an awesome opportunity. I made lifelong friends and the greatest memories! I am so thankful to have such a loving church family to support me and trust me with their kids! I saw God move in new ways this summer and definitely got out of my comfort zone. I could go on for days! However, its getting late for me and I've been moving all day--finally back in Oxford!

This semester I will not be a slacker and I will update my blog. I cannot wait to see what the year brings!!
